




姓  名:許琬甄

職  稱:助理教授

學  歷:國立高雄師範大學成人教育研究所博士




  1. 許琬甄、陳樹人、孫珮珮、李淑琪(2020)。大學教師效能感與教學專業發展策略探究 。台灣教育研究期刊,1(6),185-205。
  2. Yang, Shu Ching, Hsu, Wan-Chen, & Chiang, Chia-Hsun. (2020). The associations among individual factors, media literacy, and dietary supplement use among college students: A cross-sectional study (Preprint). Journal of Medical Internet Research 10.2196/preprints.19056. [SCI]
  3. Hsu, W. C., & Chiang, C. H. (2020). Effect of BMI and Perceived Importance of Health on the Health Behavior of College Students: Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(6), e17640. [SCI]
  4. Hsu W. C. (2019). The Effect of Age on Electronic Health Literacy: Mixed-Method Study. JMIR human factors, 6(2), e11480. DOI: 10.2196/11480
  5. Hsu, W.C., Wang C.Y. (2018). Age and Gender’s Interactive Effects on Adult Learners’ Help-Seeking Behavior. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 60, 94-108. [SSCI]
  6. 許琬甄、江佳勳、楊淑晴(2017)。國小高效能感教師之探究。課程與教學,20(3),85-112。DOI:10.6384/CIQ.201707_20(3).0004 [TSSCI]
  7. Stephanie Yang, Wan-Chen Hsu, Sin-Hua Moi, *Hsueh-Chih Chen and Yu-LinChang (2016). The effects of psychological factors on intention to seek counselling in international students in Taiwan. International Journal of Development Research, 6(12): 10691-10697.
  8. Yang, S., Hsu, W. C., & Chen, H. C. (2016). Age and gender’s interactive effects on learning satisfaction among senior university students. Educational Gerontology, 42(12), 835-844. DOI: 10.1080/03601277.2016.1231514 [SSCI]
  9. Wang, C., & Wan-Chen (2016). Classroom Climate, Instrumental Help-Seeking Behaviour, and Learner Loyalty among Continuing Education Students. Merit Research Journal of Education and Review, 4(2): 019-027
  10. Chiang, C. H., Hsu, W. C., & Chuang, H. H. (2016). Development and Implementation of a Collective Teacher Efficacy Scale Among Elementary School Homeroom Teachers. US-China Education Review, 6(2), 99-109.
  11. Hsu, W. C., Chiang, C. H., & Chuang, H. H. (2015). Factors affecting retirement attitude among elementary school teachers. Educational Gerontology, 41(8), 590-603. [SSCI]
  12. 江佳勳、楊淑晴、許琬甄 (2015)。 大學生網路健康素養量表建構及其與健康行為之關係研究。 中華心理衛生學刊,,28(3),389-420. [TSSCI]
  13. 江佳勳、許琬甄 (2015)。音樂類型對於消費者知覺價格的影響。 管理評論, 34(3),23-33. [TSSCI]
  14. Hsu, W., Chiang, C., & Yang, S. (2014). The effect of individual factors on health behaviors among college students: the mediating effects of eHealth literacy. Journal of medical Internet research, 16(12), e287. [SCI]
  15. Wu, S. M., Yang, C. H., & Hsu, W. C. (2014). Validation of School Core Competence Scale for Undergraduates: Empirical Findings of Taiwan Case. The New Educational Review, 37(3), 95-105.
  16. 江佳勳、許琬甄(2013)。國小教師專業發展評鑑中校長角色與觀點。教育學刊,41: 195-230。DOI: 10.3966/156335272013120041006 [TSSCI]
  17. 許琬甄 (2011)。愛爾蘭社區型成人學習中心多元化服務之經驗與啟示。新北市終身教育,3: 71-75。
  18. 許琬甄、江佳勳 (2011)。國民小學中年教師退休態度之調查研究。成人及終身教育,37: 37-48。
  19. 許婉甄、陳素鳳、何青蓉(2011)。大學生網路健康資訊使用經驗之初探-健康素養的觀點。健康促進與衛生教育學報,(35),1-22。DOI:10.7022/JHPHE.201106.0001
  20. 陳素鳳、許琬甄、何青蓉 (2011)。健康識能觀點分析臺灣優良健康資訊網站。 臺灣健康照顧研究學刊,(10),1-15。
  21. 許琬甄(2009)。高等院校辦理高齡者教育的實施途徑-以北卡創造性退休中心為例。成人及終身教育,24: 14-22。
  22. 許琬甄(2008)。應用教師個人本位評鑑促進教師專業發展。教師之友,17,17-24。
  23. 許琬甄(2008)。淺談創意教學的實施途徑。教師之友,49(3),38-42。DOI:10.7053/TF.200806.0038


  1. Hsu, Wan-Chen (2021, September). The Effect of Health Responsibility Self-efficacy on Degree of exercise participation among College Students: Meditational Effects of Perceived Importance of Health. British Educational Research Association (BERA), Virtual Conference.
  2. Hsu, Wan-Chen and Chiang, Chia-Hsun (2020, April). Perceived importance of health and BMI difference in health behaviours among college students. 2020 American Educational Research Association (AERA), Washington, DC, USA.
  3. 許琬甄、孫珮珮、李淑琪、陳樹人 (2019,11月)。大學教師效能感與教學行為之探究。國立臺灣師範大學教育學系「教育的展望:人才培育與永續發展」國際學術研討會,臺北,臺灣。
  4. Wan-Chen Hsu (2019, April). A Preliminary Study on Effects of Age on eHealth Literacy Rates. 2019 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
  5. Wan-Chen Hsu (2018, May). A Preliminary Exploration of the Current Condition and Types of Adult eHealth Literacy. ICERP 2018- 2018 International Conference on Education Research and Policy, BEIJING, CHINA.
  6. Wan-Chen Hsu (2018, March). Body mass index-related differences in health reactions among elders: A knowledge, attitudes, and practice perspective. 6th International Conference on Management and Education Innovation (ICMEI 2018), Hawaii, USA.
  7. Shyh-Chour Huang, Wan-Chen Hsu (2018, March). Quality management in higher education: Empirical Findings of Taiwan Case. 6th International Conference on Management and Education Innovation (ICMEI 2018), Hawaii, USA.
  8. Wan-Chen Hsu (2017, August). Is eHealth literacy and healthy behaviour hindered by the generation gap?. 2017 European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2017), Copenhagen, Denmark.
  9. Hsu, Wan-Chen (2016, November). Factors affecting student ratings of instruction. The California Association for Institutional Research (CAIR 2016) 41st Annual Conference – Institutional Research Behind the Scenes, LA, USA.
  10. Hsu, Wan-Chen, and Liu, Hsiou-Hsiang (2016, May). Gender differences and graduation year’s interactive effects on academic performance. 2016 International Conference on Institutional Research in Taiwan, Taichung, Taiwan.
  11. Huang, S. C., and Hsu, W. C. (2016, May). Quality assurance in Taiwan’s higher education. 6th QS-MAPLE Conference, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
  12. Sperlich, D. and Hsu, W. C. (2015, May). Quality assurance in Taiwan’s higher education: National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences (Kao Tech). 5th QS-Maple Conference, Doha, Qatar.
  13. Huang, S. C., and Hsu, W. C. (2015, November). Strategies for promoting learning satisfaction among international students: Perspectives from National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences (KUAS). 11th QS-APPLE Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
  14. Hsu, Wan-Chen, and Chen, Su-Feng (2013). Employers’ Perspective: The Indicators of Reemploy Ability Needs for the Older Unemployed in Taiwan. In Adult Education Research Conference (AERC 2013), MO, USA. Retrieved from https://newprairiepress.org/aerc/2013/papers/22
  15. Chen, Su-Feng, and Hsu, Wan-Chen (2013). Studies of Development for Senior Citizen Learning Project in Universities and Colleges - Using Taiwan as an Example. In Adult Education Research Conference (AERC 2013), MO, USA. https://newprairiepress.org/aerc/2013/papers/11
  16. Chiang, C. H., and Hsu, W. C (2012, October). The relationship between classroom climate and deviant behavior in sixth-grade elementary school students in central Taiwan. the Fourth Annual Asian Conference on Education, to be held from October 25-28 2012, in Osaka, Japan.
  17. Hsu, W. C., and Chiang, C. H. (2012, October). The relationships between teacher efficacy and retirement attitudes among elementary school middle-aged teachers in central Taiwan. the Fourth Annual Asian Conference on Education (ACE) 2012, in Osaka, Japan.
  18. 江佳勳、許琬甄 (2011,12月)。國民小學校長在教師評鑑制度下的角色與看法。在國立高雄師範大學教育系教育研究學會舉辦之「全國教育系所研究生學術研討會」論文集(頁17-20),高雄市。
  19. Hsu, Wan-Chen, and Chiang, Chia-Hsun (2011). Exploring Curriculum Structure of Graduate Institute of Adult Education: A Keyword Network Analysis. International Conference on Computer and Computer Intelligence (ICCCI 2011). In Yi Xie(Ed.), ASME Press, p.740. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1115/1.859926.paper76
  20. 洪榮昌、許琬甄 (2010,11月)。兩岸推展社區成人教育課程內涵之比較研究—以臺灣社區大學與大陸社區學院為例。第十二屆中國科學技術協會年會,福建省福州市,中國大陸。
  21. Wan-Chen Hsu and Chia- Hsun Chiang (2010, July). Implications of Gender and Perceived Self-Competence on Advanced Study Aspirations among Graduated University Students in Taiwan. 2010 International Conference on Learning and Community Enrichment (ICOLACE 2010), Singapore, Singapore.
  22. Chia- Hsun Chiang and Wan-Chen Hsu* (2010, July). Gender and Classroom Size Difference in Classroom Climate and Deviant Behavior; a study of elementary school students in Central Taiwan. In the International Conference on Learning and Community Enrichment, Singapore.
  23. 許琬甄 (2009,6月)。國民中學資訊教育的推展對教師數位學習之影響。在國立高雄師範大學教學發展中心、數位教學科技中心、教育學系舉辦之「數位學習創新與應用」學術研討會論文集(頁169-181),高雄市。
  24. 林素卿、李貞慧、許琬甄(2007,12月)。加州聖地牙哥教師評鑑對我國教師專業發展評鑑之啟示。國立中興大學師資培育中心、中興大學教師專業發展研究所聯合舉辦之「教師專業發展」學術研討會,臺中市。
  25. 許琬甄(2007,11月)。「創」造教學新「意」義—談創意教學的實施策略。在國立彰化師範大學教育研究所主辦之「卓越與創新—精進師資培育新知能」學術研討會論文集(頁315-328),彰化市。
  26. 許琬甄(2007,11月)。詮釋學在教學上的啟示。在國立臺中教育大學舉辦之「E世代教學專業與研究—教師教學精進之行動研究」研討會暨教師進修工作坊論文集(頁3-18),臺中市。
  27. 許琬甄、陳佳萍(2007,11月)。創意教學的困境及其改進策略。第17屆課程與教學論壇「開創教學新境界—創意教學的理論與實務」國際學術研討會論文集,高雄市。
  1. 許琬甄(10808~11107,兩年期計畫)。健康照護網站的內涵分析與閱聽者在近用下的「利」、「害」及「風險」: 電子健康素養的觀點。109-110年科技部計畫主持人,計畫編號:MOST109-2511-H992-005-MY2。經費169萬4千元。
  2. 許琬甄(10808~10907)。高雄市技術型高級中等學校學生進路研究。108年高雄市政府委託案共同計畫主持人。經費44萬元(計畫主持人:孫珮珮、共同主持人:俞克維)。
  3. 許琬甄(10808~10907)。大學生線上健康資訊尋求行為之前置與結果因素研究。108年科技部計畫主持人,計畫編號MOST108-2511-H992-010。經費84萬8千元。
  4. 許琬甄(10608~10707)。大學生電子健康素養測驗之發展與應用。106年科技部計畫主持人,計畫編號MOST106-2511-S151-003。經費61萬7千元。


  1. 彰師大教育研究所馬來西亞華文獨立中學教師在職進修學校行政碩士學位班,白萬雲,碩士論文考試委員,2018年7月24日
  2. 彰師大教育研究所,蔡雅莉,碩士論文考試委員,2016年7月29日
  3. 彰師大教育研究所,曾文惠,碩士論文考試委員,2016年7月29日


  1. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research (SSCI, 2016 IF=0.768).
  2. Psychological Reports. (SSCI, IF=2.053)
  3. Journal of Medical Internet Research. (SCI, IF=4.671) .