




姓  名:林祖強

職  稱:助理教授

學  歷:國立臺灣師範大學生命科學系生物教育組 博士




  1. Chang, J. Y. F., Lin, T. C., Wang, L. H., Cheng, F. C., & Chiang, C. P. (in press). Comparison of virtual microscopy and real microscopy for learning oral pathology laboratory course among dental students. Journal of Dental Sciences. (SCI)
  2. Cheng, F. C., Liu, T. H., Chang, J. Y. F., Lin, T. C., Tsai, P. F., Chang, Y. T., & Chiang, C. P. (2021). Regional distributions of overall dentists and institutional dentists in Taiwan in 2019. Journal of Dental Sciences, 16(2), 682-690. (SCI)
  3. Cheng, F. C., Chang, J. Y. F., Lin, T. C., Tsai, P. F., Chang, Y. T., & Chiang, C. P. (2021). The changes of the number and regional distribution of dentists and dental institutions 9 years after the implementation of postgraduate year training program for dentists in Taiwan. Journal of Dental Sciences, 16(1), 437-444. (SCI)
  4. Cheng, F. C., Chang, J. Y. F., Lin, T. C., Chang, W. C., Chang, Y. T., & Chiang, C. P. (2020). Imbalance in the geographical distribution of practicing dentists in postgraduate dental training institutions in Taiwan. Journal of Dental Sciences, 15(3), 249–256. (SCI)
  5. Chang, H. Y., Lin, T. J., Lee, M. H., Lee S. W. Y., Lin, T. C., Tan, A. L., & Tsai, C. C. (2020). A systematic review of trends and findings in research employing drawing assessment in science education. Studies in Science Education, 56(1), 77-110. (SSCI)
  6. Cheng, F. C., Chang, J. Y. F., Lin, T. C., Chang, W. C., Chiang, C. P., & Chang, Y. T. (2020). Current practice patterns and training project of oral pathology specialists in Taiwan. Journal of Dental Sciences, 15(2), 168-175. (SCI)
  7. Lin, Y. C., Padliansyah, R., & Lin, T. C. (2019). The relationship and development trend of corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature: Utilizing bibliographic coupling analysis and social network analysis. Management Decision, 58(4), 601-624. (SSCI)
  8. Lin, T. J., Lin, T. C., Potvin, P., & Tsai, C. C. (2019). Research trends in science education from 2013 to 2017: A systematic content analysis of publications in selected journals. International Journal of Science Education, 41(3), 367-387. (SSCI)
  9. Cheng, F. C., Chiang, C. P., Lin, T. C., Chang, W. C., Lai, E. H. H., Chang, Y. T. (2019). Trends of participation of post-graduate year training program for dentists in Taiwan dental training institutions from 2010 to 2018. Journal of Dental Sciences, 14(1), 47-53. (SCI)
  10. Eshach, H., Lin, T. C., & Tsai, C. C. (2018). Misconception of sound and conceptual change: A cross sectional study on students’ materialistic thinking of sound. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 55(5), 664-684. (SSCI)
  11. Eshach, H., Lin, T. C., & Tsai, C. C. (2016). Taiwanese middle school students' materialistic concepts of sound. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12, 010119. (SSCI)
  12. Lin, T. C., Liang, J. C., & Tsai, C. C. (2015). Conceptions of Memorizing and Understanding in Learning, and Self Efficacy Held by University Biology Majors. International Journal of Science Education, 37(3), 446-468. (SSCI)
  13. Yeh, Y. F., Lin, T. C., Hsu, Y. S., Wu, H. K., & Hwang, F. K. (2015). Science teachers’ proficiency levels and patterns of TPACK in a practical context. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 24(1), 78-90. (SSCI)
  14. Lin, T. C., Lin, T. J., & Tsai, C. C. (2014). Research trends in science education from 2008 to 2012: A systematic content analysis of publications in selected journals. International Journal of Science Education, 36(8), 1346-1372. (SSCI)
  15. Tang, K. Y., Tsai, C. C., & Lin, T. C. (2014). Contemporary intellectual structure of CSCL research (2006-2013): A co-citation network analysis with an education focus. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 9(3), 335-363. (SSCI)
  16. Yeh, Y. F., Hsu, Y. S., Wu, H. K., Hwang, F. K., & Lin, T. C. (2014). Developing and validating technological pedagogical content knowledge - practical (TPACK-Practical) through the Delphi Survey Technique. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(4), 707-722. (SSCI)
  17. Lin, T. C., Tsai, C. C., Chai, C. S., & Lee, M. H. (2013). Identifying science teachers’ perceptions of technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK). Journal of Science Education and Technology, 22(3), 325-336. (SSCI)
  18. Lin, T. C., Hsu, Y. S., Lin, S. S., Changlai, M. L., Yang, K. Y., & Lai, T. L. (2012). A review of empirical evidence on scaffolding for science education. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 10(2), 437-455. (SSCI)
  19. 許瑛玿、莊福泰、林祖強 (2012)。解析設計研究法的架構與實施:以科學教育研究為例。教育科學研究期刊,57(1),1-27。(TSSCI)
  20. Lin, T. C., Hsu, Y. S., & Cheng, Y. J. (2011). Emerging innovative teacher education from situated cognition in a web-based environment. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(2), 100-112. (SSCI)
  21. 林秀玉、涂志銘、林祖強、鄭湧涇 (2006)。國一學生生物概念成長與其背景、學習與教學情況等變項的關係。科學教育月刊,292,2-14。


  1. Lin, T. C. (2019). Investigation on conceptions of teaching: An empirical study of Taiwanese student teachers. Presented in Annual Conference of EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2019, June 24-28, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  2. Lin, T. C. & Lin, M. F. (2018). Developing questionnaire for preservice elementary school science teachers' conception of teaching science (COTS). Presented in 2018 Annual Conference of the Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA), June 26-29, Surfers Paradise, Australia.
  3. Lin, T. C. (2016). Identifying conceptions of teaching science (COTS) of pre-service elementary school teachers in Taiwan. Presented in 2016 International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education, August 26-28, Tokyo, Japan.
  4. Eshach, H., Lin, T. C., & Tsai, C. C. (2016). Middle School Students’ Materialistic Views of Sound Concept. Presented in the 2016 Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, April 14-17, Baltimore, USA.
  5. Lin, T. C., & Tsai, C. C. (2015). Exploring Taiwanese Science Teachers’ Self-efficacy for Applying TPACK in Instructional Design. Presented in SITE - Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 2015, March 2-6, Las Vegas, USA.
  6. Tsai, C. C., Lin, T. C., Liang , J. C. (2014). In-service Science Teachers’ Perceptions and Self-efficacy of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge. Presented in ICELW - The International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace 2014, June 11-13, New York, USA.
  7. Yeh, Y. F., Hsu, Y. S., Wu, H. K., Huang, F. K., & Lin, T. C. (2012). Develop and validate technological pedagogical content knowledge - practical (TPACK-practical) through the Delphi technique. Presented in IADIS International Conference: e-Learning 2012, July 17-20, Lisbon, Portugal.
  8. Lin, T. C., Lee, M. H., Chai, C. S., & Tsai, C. C. (2012). Exploring Asian science teachers’ perception of technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK): survey study of teachers from Singapore. Paper presented in the workshop of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2012, May 28-June 1, Kenting, Taiwan.
  9. Hsu, Y. S., Huang, F. K., Wu, H. K., Yeh, Y. F., Lin, T. C., & Chien, S. P. (2011). Using the Delphi technique to develop the survey instrument for technological pedagogical content knowledge. Poster presented in the NTNU-HU-SNU Joint Symposium on Science Education - Broadening Horizons through Asian Dialogues, November, 17-18, Taipei, Taiwan.
  10. Lin, T. C. (2010). The investigation of biology pre-service teachers’ attitudes toward computers and the Internet in Taiwan. Paper presented in the 6th International Conference on Science. Mathematics, and Technology Education, January 19-22, Hualien, Taiwan.
  11. Lin, T. C., Hsu, Y. S., Cheng, Y. J. & Jhuang, F. T. (2008). The research on integration of web-based environment in science teacher education program. Paper presented in the 2008 ED-Media conference, June 30-July 4, Vienna, Austria.
  12. Lin, T. C., Cheng, Y. J., Hsu, Y. S., Huang, F. K., & Jhuang, F. T. (2008). TEACH project - research on technology-enhanced curriculum in science pre-service teacher preparation program. Paper presented at the 2008 SITE conference, March 3-7, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.
  13. Lin, T. C. & Cheng, Y. J. (2007). The influence of teaching with situated learning rationale on 7th graders' learning in biology. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, April 15-18, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
  14. Lin, T. C., Hsu, Y. S., & Huang, Fu-Kwun (2006). The development of a technology-enhanced teacher education curriculum to improve pre-service teachers’ e-teaching. Paper presented in World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education, October 13-17, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
  15. Lin, T. C., & Cheng, Y. J. (2005). The research of 7th graders’ learning in biology undergoing teaching with a situated learning rationale. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Conference of the Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA), April 4-7, Hamilton, New Zealand.


  1. Lin, T. C., & Tsai, C. C. (2016). Innovative technology-assisted science learning in Taiwan. In M. H. Chiu (Ed.), Science Education Research and Practices in Taiwan: Challenges and Opportunities. Singapore: Springer.
  2. Lin, T. C., & Hsu, Y. S. (2015). The current status of science teachers’ TPACK in Taiwan from interview data. In Y. S. Hsu (Ed.), Development of Science Teachers’ TPACK: East Asian Practices. Singapore: Springer.
  1. 科技部專題研究計畫:科學探究課室環境感知師生落差與相關變項研究(2020/08/01~2022/07/31,計畫編號MOST109-2511-H-992-002-MY2),計畫主持人。
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  5. 科技部研究學者專題研究計畫:職前小學教師科學教學概念與資訊科技融入科學教學概念研究(2014/08/01~2016/07/31,計畫編號MOST 103-2511-S-011-007-MY3),計畫主持人。
  6. 教育部105年度學術倫理課程發展計畫B類-學術倫理融入專業倫理課程:生物科技與生命倫理概論(2017/02/01~2017/07/31,計畫編號MOE-105-1-2- B019),計畫主持人。
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